
World Refugee Day 2024

Solidarity in action: Promoting refugee-sensitive health systems

On June 20thIn 2024, the World Health Organization (WHO) joins UNHCR, the United Nations Refugee Agency and partners in celebrating World Refugee Day 2024. In line with this year’s theme, “Solidarity with Refugees”, WHO emphasizes the importance of building inclusive health systems and ensuring equitable care for refugees around the world. WHO highlights solidarity and health, celebrates the resilience of refugees, defends their rights to health and strives to create a world where everyone, regardless of migration status, enjoys universal access to quality healthcare.

UNHCR estimates that by mid-2023, more than 110 million people worldwide have been forcibly displaced, 40% of them children. 75% of these displaced individuals are housed in low- and middle-income countries. Refugees are not only recipients of care, but also active contributors to global health systems, serving as skilled health professionals, cultural mediators and advocates for equitable access. Data from the WHO global report on the health of refugees and migrants highlights their impactful roles, emphasizing the importance of including refugees in decision-making processes, which improves service quality and cultural competence.

As we celebrate their resilience and honor their contributions, we recognize the challenges refugees face and the urgent need for global solidarity. Despite not being inherently less healthy, millions of people in vulnerable situations experience worse health outcomes due to poor living and working conditions. Prioritizing your right to timely, accessible, acceptable and dignified health care is crucial to achieving health for all.

“Walking the talk”: Examples of WHO contributions to promoting refugee health

In line with the Global Action Plan 2019-2030 to promote the health of refugees and migrants, WHO collaborates with Member States, regional offices and partners to advocate for refugee and migrant rights and health equity. By leading global awareness-raising efforts, establishing standards, generating evidence and fostering partnerships, WHO promotes evidence-based approaches to meeting the health needs of refugees and migrants, promoting global health equity and rights.

  • coordinate and guide regulatory work: The Third Global Consultation on the Health of Refugees and Migrants, held in June 2023, co-organized by WHO, the International Organization for Migration (IOM), UNHCR and the Kingdom of Morocco, led to the adoption of the Rabat Declaration by 49 States -Members and observers. This milestone represents a global commitment to improving the health of refugees, migrants and host communities. The final report provides practical actionable steps for governments, UN agencies and partners.
  • translating research into practice: WHO published the first global research agenda to address evidence gaps, following a consultative process to define a research agenda to build consensus on global priorities with more than 180 stakeholders. Five priority research themes requiring greater investment were identified, accompanied by an Implementation Guide and a Toolkit to promote stronger global research collaborations.
  • review health systems: WHO conducts analyzes of health systems around the world to support the development of informed, evidence-based, long-term health systems interventions that build on existing capacities and assess gaps and opportunities. Analyzes in Jordan, Bulgaria, Thailand, Czechia, Uganda and Estonia, in collaboration with their respective Ministries of Health, have resulted in follow-up actions that demonstrate policy changes and better informed health planning. Notably, these assessments facilitated the integration of the health needs of refugees and migrants into national strategies.
  • training of health professionals: WHO developed Refugee and Migrant Health: Global Competency Standards for health professionals (the Competency Standards) to improve the capacity of health professionals to provide culturally sensitive services to refugees and migrants. Successful training initiatives in Nigeria are being expanded to Senegal, Mali and Niger. In parallel, WHO is creating a corresponding e-learning course and preparing for the first global course to be held in Rome, in collaboration with the Italian National Institute for Health, Migration and Poverty – WHO Collaborating Center.
  • celebrating the power of storytelling: The WHO Health for All Film Festival awarded the “Special Migrant and Refugee Health Award” to “The Story of Dalal”, directed by Alexandra Cordukes of Laundry Lane Productions (Australia). The film advocates for inclusive access to healthcare and portrays how it promotes positive health outcomes through Dalal’s journey as a Yazidi woman seeking refuge in Australia. Furthermore, the festival presented the “Health Emergencies – Grand Prix” for “Journey Beyond the Rubble”, directed by Mumen Sayed Issa and Atheer Salem Bahr (Türkiye). This film highlights the bravery of healthcare workers responding to the 2023 earthquake, chronicling the recovery story of Wala, a Syrian refugee in Türkiye and earthquake survivor.
  • exchanging knowledge and enhancing experiences: The Fifth Global School on Refugee and Migrant Health will be held December 2-6, 2024, in Bogotá, Colombia, and broadcast live around the world. It will bring together diverse stakeholders, facilitating robust knowledge exchange and collective learning, to explore innovative strategies, share best practices and foster partnerships to address the health challenges of people on the move and promote their well-being.

The way forward: A collective approach to responding to refugees’ health needs

Responding to the health needs of refugees requires a collective, cross-border commitment to solidarity and inclusion. This involves addressing the determinants of health while also reshaping and strengthening existing health systems to provide comprehensive and integrated services to both host communities and refugees. Recognizing refugee health as vital to global well-being, representative data and high-quality research are crucial for monitoring progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and guiding evidence-based policies. Moving from policy to practice requires the development and implementation of public health plans that incorporate the health needs of refugees and involve affected communities in decision-making. Global collaboration, guided by principles of non-discrimination, equity and inclusion, is essential. Strengthening international cooperation and promoting social integration are commitments to creating a healthier and more equitable world for all.

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