
World News Roundup: Human rights in Haiti, 750,000 people hit by floods in East Africa, Namibia health milestone

Experts have detailed the far-reaching impacts of the violence and lawlessness that have led to chaos in the capital, Port-au-Prince, and other areas under gang control this year.

“The outbreak of violence in Haiti has resulted in the loss of livelihoods and food insecurity, widespread and multiple displacement, the collapse of education, the breakdown of healthcare and other essential services,” they said.

Experts appointed by the Human Rights Council also pointed to the almost total lack of access to justice due to fear of reprisals and the collapse of the economy.

‘Tactic to instill fear’

Particularly alarming is the use of sexual violence by criminal gangs, which is used as a tactic to instill fear, control territories, extort money and punish communities.

“Internally displaced women and girls living in inadequate and precarious displacement locations are particularly vulnerable to sexual violence,” they said, warning of a sharp increase in their trafficking for the purposes of sexual exploitation and sexual slavery.

They also expressed concern about Haitian authorities’ failure to protect vulnerable populations, as well as their being “actively complicit” in gang activities.

“Haiti must return to democratic and constitutional governance based on the principles of respect for human rights, transparency and accountability,” the experts urged.

The experts, acting individually, independently of the UN or any national government, called on criminal groups to put an immediate end to all forms of gender-based violence.

Deadly rains continue to hit East Africa

Hundreds of thousands of lives have been affected by recent heavy rains and massive flooding in parts of East Africa, as the UN continues to offer support to governments across the region.

Reports from the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) indicate that close to 750,000 people are affected by the rains and floods, with 234,000 displaced.

Last week, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said he was deeply distressed by the loss of life due to severe flooding in Burundi, Kenya, Somalia, Tanzania and other parts of East Africa.

Cholera risk in Somalia worsens

The rains affected more than 160,000 civilians in Somalia, leaving 37,000 people displaced. UN partners estimate that up to 770,000 Somalis could be affected in total, worsening the country’s ongoing cholera epidemic, said UN spokesman Stéphane Dujarric, speaking to journalists in New York on Monday.

In Kenya, local authorities have warned that more than 285,000 lives have been affected so far, with more than 200 deaths reported. In Burundi, more than 180,000 people were affected. Additionally, dozens of Rwandans were killed or injured due to the rains and floods.

The UN and its partners continue to support these East African countries through flood response plans, evacuation efforts and healthcare, including psychosocial support.

Namibia: Praise for efforts to end mother-to-child transmission of HIV

Namibia has become the first country in Africa and the first high-burden country in the world to reach a major milestone in eliminating mother-to-child transmission of HIV and hepatitis B, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced on Monday. .

The WHO has awarded the southern African country “silver level” status for its progress in reducing hepatitis B and “bronze level” status for its progress in combating HIV, in line with its triple elimination initiative to protect the health of mothers. and children, which also includes ending syphilis infections.

‘Historic achievement’

The UN agency certifies a country with silver level status when 50 percent or more of all newborns receive the hepatitis B vaccine. Bronze certification is awarded when mother-to-child transmission of HIV has been reduced to less of five percent.

“This is a historic achievement for Namibia that demonstrates the life-saving possibilities of committed political leadership and effective implementation of public health priorities,” said Dr. Matshidiso Moeti, WHO Regional Director for Africa.

The WHO initiative promotes the end of vertical transmission of HIV, syphilis and hepatitis B, encouraging countries to integrate services.

“Namibia achieved this milestone by taking a truly integrated approach to the HIV response from the start,” said Etleva Kadilli, United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) regional director for Eastern and Southern Africa.

“The country did not address HIV in isolation as a single disease, but as part of a broader health and development agenda, encompassing maternal and child health for all.”

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