
Why we need to increase the sharing of ocean science data

Our oceans play a vital role in keeping our planet healthy. Not only do they regulate our climate, support biodiversity and influence weather patterns, they also provide essential resources such as food, energy and medicine. According to the United Nations, oceans cover more than 70% of the Earth’s surface and produce at least 50% of the planet’s oxygen. Their importance cannot be overstated.

However, human activities pose significant threats to these critical functions. Rising sea temperatures, plastic pollution and overfishing all contribute to the degradation of marine environments.

Recognizing the increasing pressures placed on our oceans – and the role they play in mitigating climate change – the marine community must take proactive steps to better understand and protect them. This includes improving the availability and accessibility of ocean science data.

Robert Hoddenbach

Fugro Global Business Line Director for Land Asset Integrity.

The power of ocean science data

Ocean data is a significant contributor to a safer, more livable world. In fact, according to research conducted in partnership with Economist Impact, two-thirds of the ocean-based climate change economy relies on ocean observation data, and this reliance could intensify as climate change exacerbates the unpredictability of ocean conditions and weather.

Ocean observing systems can provide real-time data, enabling the community to track marine ecosystems and better understand their health and resilience. Armed with this knowledge, we can then identify stressors (such as pollution or climate change) that are affecting marine life and assess the impact of ocean decarbonization efforts. This information is vital for implementing and optimizing mitigation strategies.

It is also crucial for oceanographers to analyze currents, temperature fluctuations and circulation patterns. This information can be used to refine climate models and increase our ability to predict severe weather events, such as hurricanes or severe storms.

Additionally, through mapping the ocean floor (known as bathymetry), we can deepen our understanding of underwater landscapes. High-quality data, collected using remote technology, can reveal underwater ridges, seamounts and potential hazards such as underwater volcanoes or landslides – helping to plan sustainable infrastructure and/or conservation measures.

Private sector knowledge

To accelerate progress, the marine community must actively promote the sharing of ocean science data. This requires a coordinated effort, combining the knowledge and resources of governments, academia, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and the private sector.

Companies involved in offshore energy exploration, marine infrastructure development, and scientific research hold a wealth of valuable information. By transitioning to a model where this information is freely available, the private sector can play an important role in equipping scientists, decision-makers, and the general public with insights to better understand ocean health. This approach will also help overcome a significant barrier: limited and sporadic public funding to support such initiatives.

Collaborative efforts and challenges

In the years and decades ahead, industry working groups will be crucial in formulating strategies and best practices to facilitate collaboration and democratize ocean data.

These groups should not only emphasize the societal benefits of sharing ocean science data, but also aim to identify practical solutions to technical challenges. For example, while ownership of ocean data often lies with the companies authorized to collect it, or with the governments that grant permission, data sharing is not always at the sole discretion of the data owners. Even when companies are willing to share their data, national governments must approve its release if acquired within a nation’s Exclusive Economic Zone. Despite endorsement of the Ocean Decade by national governments, securing such approval remains a significant hurdle.

Additional challenges include inefficient data collection, inconsistent methodologies, and a lack of standardized global protocols, which complicate data discovery and accessibility. The World Economic Forum has highlighted that ocean data reporting should be as quantitative and standardized as possible, based on recognized metrics tools and policies. This will enable deeper and more accurate data analysis, thereby increasing the impact of data sharing.

Several groups have already been established to advocate for private sector data sharing. For example, the 2016 Forum for Future Ocean Floor Mapping advocated for the sharing of bathymetric information to create a global baseline bathymetric database. In addition, UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission has been at the forefront of coordinating global ocean science data and improving access to privately owned data. This collaborative effort includes a consortium of leading maritime companies that acquire or own ocean science data.

By joining forces, industry participants will be able to overcome barriers and pave the way for privately owned ocean science data to be leveraged for the greater good. By filling gaps and pooling expertise, we will be in a much stronger position to protect our planet.

The stakes are high, and stakeholders need to show a collective commitment to bringing together research, technology and innovation to restore ocean health. This will ultimately help shape a safer, more livable world.

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