
Why Operators Need a Full-Service Technology Partner

Sponsored by RF Technologies, Inc.

The use of technology in restaurants has evolved far beyond point-of-sale, drive-thru communications, and kitchen displays. IT professionals are now responsible for managing a variety of systems, including digital menu boards, drive-thru timers, and surveillance systems. During the pandemic, self-service tools like kiosks and mobile ordering apps have become essential. Looking ahead, artificial intelligence and geo-notifications for mobile ordering are poised to become the next focus in the effort to increase efficiency. Managing all of these systems can be overwhelming. Having the right technology partner can provide a competitive advantage by keeping restaurants focused on the customer.

IT professionals are responsible not only for maintaining hardware, but also for managing software updates, subscription services, and compatibility. When a system fails during a busy period, operations are significantly impacted. Today’s busy managers don’t have time to diagnose and troubleshoot systems. To ease this burden, full-service solution providers can be a single point of contact. In addition to providing service and repairs, the right partner can offer complete restaurant systems solutions, including proper installation and staff training. Based in Buffalo Grove, IL, RF Technologies is a full-service partner, allowing staff to focus on delivering quality food and operating efficiently.

Scalability and flexibility are key considerations when evaluating available solutions. Bob Noorian, CEO of RF Technologies, explains: “Technology needs change over time, so operators need to anticipate the unpredictable. This means investing in flexible solutions to expand capacity while incorporating new features and scalable systems that communicate not only with existing systems but also with the next generation as the market evolves. A full-service partner is not only aware of the technologies available, they help shape the future, as we do with our Apex drive-thru headset system.”

Restaurant operators often think about solving a specific problem when upgrading or replacing a piece of restaurant technology. The best practice is to think holistically about the restaurant and how the specific piece of technology fits into the overall environment. This is also where the right partner adds value. One example is the data that travels between systems, from the POS and menu board, to the video analysis of a transaction, and to the subsequent reporting. This interoperability is essential for comprehensive insight into restaurant performance. It impacts the customer experience and ultimately profitability. If data is siloed in disparate systems, complete understanding is often unattainable. A full-service technology partner understands how systems communicate and how to extract maximum value from the investment.

Technology is now an integral part of quick-service restaurants, and IT professionals play a critical role in managing multiple systems. The right partner can help ease the burden of maintaining systems and provide comprehensive solutions to keep restaurants running smoothly. RFT President Joseph Gierut concludes, “Technology evolves rapidly, so restaurants need a trusted partner who can analyze the tools available and recommend solutions that provide the most value to the restaurant operator while minimizing risk and expense.”

Learn more at rfdrivethru.com/capabilities

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