
What Trump and Biden must do to win the first presidential debate

President Biden and former President Donald Trump will face off Thursday in the first presidential debate of the 2024 election cycle, offering a rare chance for viewers to watch the two candidates contrast their visions for the future.

“Without a doubt, this is a high-stakes moment for both candidates,” said Kate Bedingfield, a former Biden White House communications director who helped him prepare for the 2020 debates and who now works as a political commentator at CNN.

The debate will likely be the first time many voters tune in to what they have to say, so their performance could shape the rest of this very close race. When the two last debated in 2020, Trump constantly interrupted Biden, which some strategists said hurt his campaign. This time, the microphones will be muted when it is not the candidate’s turn to speak and there will be no live audience.

The 90-minute debate is presented by CNN. It will begin at 9pm Eastern Time. The Post’s coverage of the debate will begin with live analysis at 8 p.m.

Here’s what strategists on both sides say needs to happen for each candidate to have a successful debate.

Biden should blame Trump for abortion, immigration and preserving democracy

Democratic strategists say Biden is expected to steer a lot of conversations back to his bread and butter during the campaign: talking about issues related to protecting Americans’ freedoms — whether it’s voting access, reproductive care or democratic norms. Polls show that the vast majority of Americans support abortion rights and that ending threats to democracy is an important issue for Americans on both sides of the aisle.

“Biden’s goal is to remind voters that this is not a referendum on Biden; it’s a choice between him and Trump,” said Democratic strategist Tim Hogan, who worked on Hillary Clinton’s 2016 and Amy Klobuchar’s 2020 presidential campaign.

But voters who say democracy is an important issue are not necessarily Biden voters. In six swing states, key voters who could decide the election trust Trump more than Biden on democracy issues, according to a new Washington Post-Schar School poll.

On immigration, Biden may be on the defensive. Record levels of migrants have been crossing the southern border since he took office. Before this debate, he upset both sides of the aisle: He took steps to close the border when migrant crossings reached a certain number per day, infuriating civil rights groups. And it just made it easier for undocumented spouses of U.S. citizens to obtain citizenship, something many in his base support.

But in part because of his overall unpopularity, Biden should spend less time defending his record and more time defending what he would do in his second term, Democratic strategists said.

President Joe Biden is participating in the CNN debate scheduled for June 27. Washington Post White House reporter Matt Viser explains what to expect. (Video: Washington Post)

Biden needs to avoid major stumbles that highlight his age

Although both men would be the oldest presidents ever if they win in November, voters say they are more concerned about Biden’s age, 81, than Trump’s, 78. So Biden may be under more of a microscope. than Trump if he commits any verbal aggression. stumbles – an unfair measure, perhaps, given that he stutters – or performs mediocrely. Instead of scheduled speeches, he will have to compete in real time with Trump’s charisma.

Democratic strategists expect Biden to appear fiery and passionate. They point to Biden’s performance at the State of the Union in March, where he criticized Republicans and challenged them in real time to a debate as an example of a strong public performance.

Democrats worried about Biden’s performance shouldn’t be, Bedingfield said. “He really is a game-day player,” she said. “And he certainly knows what’s at stake in this debate. So I think we can expect a really energized, engaged and aggressive Joe Biden to show up.”

Trump must focus on issues, not grievances

Republican strategists say Trump should avoid the complaining tones he uses during the campaign, where he frequently claims without evidence that he won the 2020 election and complains that he is being unfairly prosecuted by the Justice Department. In his ideal debate, he will not call those who invaded the US Capitol on January 6, 2021 “patriots”, nor will he talk about forgiving them, and will remain focused on Bolsonarist issues.

“Trump talking about retribution is unnecessary,” said strategist Jesse Hunt, who directs communications for Republican candidates across the country. “It distracts from the real differences he has with Biden, and that’s what independents care about.”

When it comes to issues that voters care deeply about, Trump fares well with voters. At this moment, polls show that voters give him better marks than Biden in managing the economy, crime and immigration. Trump’s advisers have urged him to talk about the differences between his presidency and Biden’s on inflation and immigration, The Washington Post’s Michael Scherer and Marianne LeVine report.

The main question for Trump’s allies is whether he can stick to his message.

“When Trump speaks, he speaks with such conviction that he gives people confidence that he knows what he is talking about,” Hunt said.

Donald Trump will participate in the CNN debate on June 27. Washington Post political reporter Isaac Arnsdorf dissects what he’ll be watching. (Video: Washington Post)

But Trump needs to be clear about his stance on abortion

Strategists on both sides say Trump needs to give a clear answer about his position on abortion bans and medical abortion. This is one of the few major issues weighing heavily on Biden, and Trump has tried to avoid taking hard and fast positions on how and when abortion should be allowed.

For example: After paving the way for the court to overturn Roe v. with his three Supreme Court nominees, he says bans should be left to the states. But when the 1860s abortion ban was revived in Arizona, Trump said it went too far. (The governor signed a repeal in May.)

He also shied away from saying what he thinks should happen to a pill commonly used in medical abortion that the Supreme Court recently protected.

And Trump needs to avoid appearing deranged

The Biden campaign has worked hard to cast Trump as unhinged, more so than the last time he was president. If Trump acts in this debate as he does at his rallies – last weekend he suggested that migrants fight for sport – he could play directly into that narrative.

“Voters know a lot about these guys,” said Sarah Longwell, editor of the conservative, anti-Trump media franchise Bulwark, “and the question for them is, ‘Am I more concerned about Biden being older, or am I more concerned about Biden being older? worried? about Trump being a crazy lunatic?’”

The Biden and Trump campaigns are negotiating new rules for the 2024 presidential debates. Here’s what we know. (Video: Blair Guild/The Washington Post)

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