
Traveling doesn’t have to be glamorous – The Minnesota Daily

For many travelers, a destination without name recognition isn’t worth visiting.

I’ve described countless small towns as boring without seeing their downtowns. Americans often consider entire states to be devoid of worthwhile attractions (sorry, Nebraska and Kansas).

When California, Florida, and overseas hotspots are idealized as the brightest travel destinations, it’s easy to assume that nowhere else is worth it. Certain climates are objectively better, and I would never turn down an opportunity to experience a different culture abroad.

However, a long, glamorous trip is never easily accessible. When a dream trip is not within reach, simple trips to local destinations can still be rewarding and enjoyable.

The biggest barrier to traditional, luxury vacations is cost.

Tom Bartel, editor of MN Travel The website, which provides travel tips for Minnesota travelers, said traveling to popular destinations like Europe can be very expensive due to the overwhelming number of tourists and ever-increasing demand. The cost of traveling locally pales in comparison.

“Minnesota is obviously closer,” Bartel said. “Does it offer all the things that going to Europe, South America or Asia offers? No, but it offers different things.”

Weather can also make planning a long vacation difficult.

Longtime Minneapolis resident Stan Hale said he and his wife often choose to travel within Minnesota rather than further afield because it’s less hassle.

“We spent three years in Germany. We spent six months in Pensacola, Florida. Three years in Philadelphia, six or seven months in Washington,” Hale said. “Not that it’s going to get old. If you put me in a really nice place, I would like it, but I hate flying and I don’t even like driving anymore.”

Cost and logistics are the same reasons I don’t have any fancy trips planned for this summer. As much as I’d love to visit another country, I can’t afford to take more than a few days off work to accommodate flight schedules, let alone pay for tickets.

Traveling within these restrictions is still possible, however. My only significant trip this summer will be a three-night camping trip in Wisconsin — one of the many local travel opportunities our region offers.

Holly Babcock, executive director of the Albert Lea Convention and Visitors Bureau, said small towns in Minnesota offer unique travel opportunities that many locals never take advantage of.

“We have people who have lived here for 55 years and have traveled to all parts of the country to visit state parks, when they have never explored their backyards and visited the great state park that is closer than our Walmart,” Babcock said.

Babcock said Albert Lea, like many cities, prioritizes the well-being of its residents over tourism. However, tourist towns aren’t the only valuable destinations. According to Babcock, the lakes are the main draw of Albert Lea, located in southern Minnesota, along with Three Oak Winery and a vibrant downtown that thrive despite the town’s small size.

Having a destination in mind isn’t necessary for a successful trip. Bartel said finding worthwhile places to spend time is possible in almost any new place.

“Usually on a main street, especially in a small town in Minnesota, you can find the coffee shop where people hang out,” Bartel said. “You go there, sit at the counter and ask the waiter or waitress, ‘What’s going on here?’”

Bartel said he used this strategy when he first visited Red Wing, Minnesota.

“Pretty soon we were talking to the whole town,” Bartel said. “We were directed to some interesting historic homes and things like that. Exactly the same thing we did in Granite Falls.”

When in doubt, one of Minnesota’s most popular features can always be used for a successful trip: the lakes.

“Duluth is a cool place, and going to the North Shore is fantastic,” Hale said. “Just go to a lake, rent a boat and have fun.”

According to Bartel, Minnesota’s rich history can make a trip worthwhile even for longtime residents.

“If you’re looking for something interesting to do, go to Minnesota’s historic sites,” Bartel said. “There are 30 or 40 sites, and many of them are homes to important, early Minnesotans.”

Bartel said Minnesota’s strong programs for preserving historic sites help keep important stories more accessible to travelers than many other states.

“Minnesota does a really good job through the state park system and the historical society, working together,” Bartel said. “They don’t shy away from some of the worst parts of history.”

While relaxing on the beach for days on end is more appealing to some, visiting dozens of historic sites is the ideal vacation for others. While both sides of the spectrum gravitate toward long trips far away, satisfying destinations for anyone exist locally as well.

Travel is best when tailored to the individual, so don’t discount simple, local destinations. It may not seem as exciting on social media, but enjoying yourself is much more important.

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