
These shady Democrats may soon become kingmakers

They are lawyers and school board members, labor activists and religious leaders, longtime Democrats and newcomers to the party. Some of them have just turned 18, others are pushing 80.

These are the people who make up the 3,939 delegates to the Democratic National Convention. Some are elected, and some are selected — each state party has its own rules — for what is usually a ceremonial task: nominating their candidate for president.

But in a scenario — still unlikely — that President Biden is no longer the nominee, they will suddenly be tasked with choosing a new nominee.

Most of these delegates were not meant to become kingmakers in the Democratic Party, but rather to be part of a pro-Biden ticket pledging support for the president. But should Mr. Biden drop out, they would be catapulted from the obscurity of extras in a quadrennial television extravaganza to a group with the fate of the party — and, in the view of many Democrats, the future of the country — on their shoulders.

Many are reluctant to even consider it as an option, remaining staunchly loyal to the president as he asserts his commitment to staying in the race. And some find themselves overwhelmed by the possibility.

Phil Swanhorst, chairman of the Eau Claire County Democrats in Wisconsin and a first-time delegate, said that “with all the turmoil going on,” he did not want to discuss what he would do as an at-large delegate if he were released from his pledged status. Instead, he said he would follow the guidance of Ben Wikler, the state party chairman.

Ronald Martin, a social studies teacher and member of the National Education Association, a teachers union, said he wholeheartedly supported the president, dismissing Mr. Biden’s debate performance as simply a “bad night” — echoing the president’s words — and not representative of anything else. But forced to make a decision in the event that Mr. Biden withdrew, Mr. Martin said he would step back and assess the entire field rather than immediately vote for an alternative.

“I would respect President Biden’s decision no matter what he said, but again, I would sit down and listen to everything,” Martin said, adding that defeating former President Donald J. Trump remained the goal.

In a speech in Wisconsin on Friday, and in an ABC News interview that aired later in the day, Mr. Biden made clear that he had no intention of withdrawing. “I’m staying in this race,” Mr. Biden told the Wisconsin crowd, to applause. “I’m not going to let a 90-minute debate take away three and a half years of work.”

Nearly all delegates — roughly 99 percent — are pledged to Mr. Biden, reflecting the popular vote in their state primaries. They are not free to support another candidate of their choice unless Mr. Biden withdraws. Although there is a so-called conscience clause in the rules allowing delegates to break with their delegations, it is rarely, if ever, exercised.

“This isn’t 2016, and this isn’t 2008, when you had a split delegation,” said Donna Brazile, a former chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee. “This is a Biden convention.”

There are also about 700 “automatic delegates” — formerly and commonly known as superdelegates — who are chosen for their roles in the party. Governors, senators, members of Congress, state party chairs and other high-ranking party members make up this contingent, though they do not vote in the first round of nominations.

The final list of delegates has not been released by the national Democratic Party, but a review of delegate lists released by state parties shows a diverse roster, as required by party rules.

Consider the Wisconsin delegation: Among the 95 delegates, there are more than 20 local government officials, 11 current and former educators, nine labor leaders, six college students and a former Milwaukee Bucks executive.

Trevor Jung, one of those local government officials — he is the transit director of Racine, Wis. — said he had been involved in politics since he was 12, when his single father would drop him off at the local Democratic headquarters. As a first-time delegate in 2020, Mr. Jung cannot imagine a ticket without Mr. Biden at the top and is unsure what he would do in the event of an open convention.

“I haven’t thought about it too much, and that’s partly because I think President Biden will be our nominee,” he said. “President Biden had a bad night, and Donald Trump had a bad presidency.”

Amaad Rivera-Wagner, chief of staff to the mayor of Green Bay, Wisconsin, and a second-time Biden delegate, recalled receiving death threats in 2020 because people believed he had rigged the election.

“Yes, there is turmoil, but the convention seems clear to me,” Mr. Rivera-Wagner said, adding that Mr. Biden would have the best chance against Mr. Trump. While he did not believe Mr. Biden would resign, he said he would “explore my conscience but take the Democrats’ cue” in that unlikely event.

Most state delegations have many representatives who served in past conventions. Judy Mount, who said she was the “first African-American in the state of Florida — since Ponce de Leon came here — to be the first vice chairwoman” of the state Democratic Party, has served in every convention since Barack Obama’s first convention in 2008.

She said she remained a staunch supporter of Mr Biden and would follow his lead if he dropped out.

“Only if he makes that announcement,” said Mrs. Mount, 64. “Because I have the utmost respect for that young man.”

L. Jeannette Mobley, a delegate from Washington, D.C., who said she was also a delegate for Mr. Obama in 2008, was similarly loyal to Mr. Biden, saying he had done more “in his first three years than most presidents” and disparaging his debate performance.

If Mr. Biden were to withdraw, she said she would also follow his recommendation.

“If he decides to withdraw, I’m sure he’ll probably come away with a recommendation,” Ms. Mobley said, adding of Vice President Kamala Harris: “Kamala would probably be the best person to run. She’s very capable. Don’t get me wrong about that. Although I do have some concerns about whether or not America is ready for a female president.”

Ms. Mobley mused that if Ms. Harris had chosen “one of the other individuals, like Newsom or Shapiro, then we would still have a winning ticket,” referring to Gavin Newsom, the governor of California, and Josh Shapiro, the governor of Pennsylvania.

Dave Jacobson, a Florida delegate who is a year younger than Mr. Biden, called last Thursday’s debate “devastating” but was encouraged by the president’s more energetic rally the next day and remains steadfast in his support. Like Ms. Mobley, if forced to vote for someone else to recall Mr. Biden, Mr. Jacobson said that “the vice president would be the logical choice.”

“It would be a travesty if something happened and Joe dropped out and Kamala was not our nominee,” Mr. Jacobson said. “If she is not, the Democratic Party is going to face a pretty devastating election on November 5.”

June Kim, Eli Murray, André Park, Helmuth Rosales, Elena Shao It is Amy Schoenfeld Walker contributed reports. Alain Delaqueriere contributed research.

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