
The incredible Starfield mod finally offers the space travel players have always wanted


  • The Astrogate mod for
    Star field
    offers autopilot and remote takeoff, making space travel more comfortable.
  • Different modes available for autopilot alleviate the pain points of long scenes during travel.
  • Fan-created mods and new updates are improving
    Star field
    making it more engaging for players.

A new mod for Star field finally makes space travel as simple as players always wanted. One of the aspects Star field What players looked forward to most was space travel, with the game featuring thousands of different planets to visit, but both aspects ended up falling short of players’ expectations. Traveling can be difficult, especially when each part of flying through space requires a few cutscenes to get started. Fortunately, mods can help ease the pain of traveling and make it as immersive as everyone hoped it would be.

Thanks to RealityIDR in Nexus Mods, space travel can finally become a comfortable experience for Star field fans. This mod, known as Astrogate, has a variety of different ship navigation options and modes. The autopilot feature allows players to step away from the controls and roam their ship while being piloted towards a chosen point.

“Supercruise” allows players to set their ship’s speed automatically, so that it sails at the same speed without any player intervention. Lastly is “Surface Landing and Takeoffs,” which allows players to remotely launch and land their ships. All this combined provides smooth and simplified space travel in Star field.


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Astrogate mod makes space travel in Starfield much easier

Features like autopilot and remote takeoff are much needed

The surface of one of Starfield's moons, lined with small rocks and crystals, looking toward a red-ringed planet in the near distance.

Other aspects of the Astrogate mod include different autopilot modes. While on autopilot, players can choose between Standard, Intersystem, and Distance. The standard allows autopilot between the planet and its moons. The ship will automatically stop when it is in range of the planet or moon and will allow players to land the ship remotely. Intersystem takes players between star systems and will ensure the player is piloting the ship before the jump is made to the other star system. Distance mode gives players the opportunity to manually input the distance they wish to travel and perform a gravity jump in seconds.

These pain points in space travel have been something players have been unhappy with since the beginning, and the mods made by RealityIDR will probably make a lot of people happy. The time it takes to board the ship, sit in the pilot’s seat and finally take off is too long for many people, mainly because each stage has a cut scene. Being able to take off remotely eliminates the middle ground and will ultimately make traveling through Established Systems much quicker and more enjoyable. This mod will probably become one of the best mods created for Star fieldas it addresses one of the game’s main criticisms.

However Star field fell short of some expectations, New updates, upcoming DLCs, and fan-made mods are helping to shape the game into something players have been waiting for since the beginning. Thanks to a major update released in May, more features and bug fixes have improved the quality of life in Star field much better for players. Hopefully Bethesda will focus on making the world even more immersive and continue to listen to fans to make any necessary changes.

Source: RealityIDR/NexusMods, IDRReality/YouTube

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