
Sneaky kitten who loves breaking into his owner’s safe wins pet of the week

This week we watched a little boy teach his dog to play dominoes and laughed at the two cats’ very different reactions to moving house.

We’ve also gathered photos and videos from our readers about our favorite pets for our weekly Pet of the Week.

If you would like your pet to be part of next week’s Pet of the Week, follow the instructions at the end of this story to enter.


Bluey the cat
Bluey the cat goes into hiding after managing to sneak into his owner’s safe. Felines love being in boxes.


This week’s Pet of the Week is Bluey, a cat with a mischievous streak.

“I was going into my safe, left it open and walked away,” said owner Chris News week.

However, upon returning, he found his kitten inside the safe. “Bluey was so comfortable,” Chris said.

Although it looks like a robbery in progress, the safe is the perfect example of a cat’s favorite space – a box.

Felines are instinctively drawn to closed, hidden spaces, such as boxes, where they can observe their surroundings.

A 2014 study even found that being able to enter a box helped shelter stressed cats when they arrived. The researchers separated 19 of these felines into two groups, one with access to a hiding box and the other without. Cats with hiding boxes had lower stress scores over a two-week period compared to those who had nowhere to hide.


Tike the dog
Tike the dog. He overcame a lot in his short life.

Our first finalist this week is Tike, a dog who was born with a serious heart condition and recovered against all odds.

Its owner told News week: “At 8 weeks, he was diagnosed with a serious heart problem. Two veterinarians said his life would last no more than six months.”

After receiving quotes for surgery of more than $12,000, the owner didn’t give up on Tike. When Washington State University agreed to take on the case, things began to look up.

“The next day, Tike underwent surgery and was released the next day,” the owner said. “My one-pound little boy had major surgery and came out with flying colors! He’s now 2 1/2 years old and in perfect shape.”

Sadie the dog
Sadie is glued to the television. The Idaho Shag sheepdog loves watching commercials.

Caryl Harrigan

Next up this week is Sadie, who moved in with owner Caryl Harrigan in Idaho in December 2023.

“She is an Idaho Shag sheepdog, most commonly found working outdoors with sheep or cattle,” Harrigan said. News week.

However, instead of working as a sheepdog, Sadie began to enjoy the comforts of home. “Sadie found herself at home with a 75-year-old Londoner,” Harrigan said.

“She is a lot of fun, loves to play daily in a nearby park and is an avid TV watcher. She ignores most shows, but loves the commercials, especially the ones with animals or basketballs.”

Roxy and Norman
Rescue dogs Roxy (left) and Norman snuggle together comfortably. The canine duo are living their best lives.

Angela Faas

Last but not least this week are Roxy and Norman’s special rescues.

Roxy is 15 years old and her canine companion Norman is 6. Rescued by their owner, Angela Faas, they are now living their best lives.

She said News week: “Roxy was being abused and Norman was neglected. Not anymore! They are my comfort.”

Do you have funny and adorable videos or photos of your pet that you want to share? Send them to life@newsweek.com with some details about your best friend, and they could be featured in our Pet of the Week lineup.

Unusual knowledge

Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground.

Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground.

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