

Breastfeeding and pumping to feed babies human milk are important for babies, mothers, birthing parents, and families. Polk—Norman—Mahnomen (PNM) WIC supports feeding babies human milk in any amount and provides support and resources for parents before and during their infant feeding journey.

That includes:

  • Talking about the importance of human milk
  • Provide extra food to meet the nutritional needs of nursing parents
  • Provide resources to help families achieve their child feeding goals

In 2023, Polk-Norman-Mahnomen ranked #1 among WIC clinics in Minnesota and the nation for its commitment to breastfeeding and received the Gold Breastfeeding Award of Excellence, valid for 3 years.

“This award is a testament to our dedication to supporting our families throughout their infant feeding journey. Our program team works hard to normalize breastfeeding and educate families about the importance of human milk,” said Tammy Conn, PMN Breastfeeding Coordinator. “We know that everyone’s infant feeding journey is different, and our goal is to provide personalized support to each parent to give their baby the best possible start.”

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Service (USDA-FNS) WIC Excellence in Breastfeeding Award Program recognizes local WIC programs that provide exemplary breastfeeding promotion and support activities. Some of Polk-Norman-Mahnomen’s efforts include:

  • Providing Mama’s Milk Connection, a monthly breastfeeding support group since 2007, in Crookston. Call 218-281-1673 (for meeting dates and location)
  • Provide WIC families with a breastfeeding peer support counselor to work with parents to increase breastfeeding initiation, exclusivity, and duration
  • Providing Rock and Rest Tents at Polk, Norman and Mahnomen County Fairs
  • Promote and share Minnesota’s updated pregnancy and breastfeeding laws for workplaces and families
  • Facilitating the Polk County Breastfeeding Coalition, acting as a breastfeeding resource for the area
  • Polk County campaign with the Anytime, Anywhere Initiative. Encouraging businesses to sign a “Breastfeeding Welcomes Here” pledge and display a window sticker with the Breastfeeding Symbol
  • Public health and WIC staff maintain up-to-date knowledge/training on lactation education and best practices

National Breastfeeding Month

Polk-Norman-Mahnomen WIC and the Minnesota WIC Program are celebrating National Breastfeeding Month and World Breastfeeding Week by reminding families to take advantage of the lactation education and support WIC provides for pregnant, breastfeeding, and pumping mothers.

Eligible families who enroll in WIC (early in pregnancy and ask for advice and support early and often throughout their infant feeding journey) achieve the best possible outcomes. Polk-Norman-Mahnomen WIC supports breastfeeding in any amount and is here for families who feed their babies a combination of human milk and formula and families who exclusively use formula.

To celebrate World Breastfeeding Week, on Thursday, August 1, Mama’s Milk Connection will be hosting a “Playground Party” from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. This will be a time to share stories, breastfeeding successes, games, and a light meal will be served. The celebration will be held at the Community Family Service Center Playground, 1407 Erskine Street, Crookston. All who promote, protect, and support breastfeeding are welcome to attend.

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