
Obama expresses concerns after choppy debate, offers advice to Biden

Former President Barack Obama privately told allies who reached out to him that President Biden’s already difficult path to reelection became more challenging after his shaky performance in Thursday’s debate — a harsher assessment of the presidential race than his public comments, according to several people familiar with his remarks.

Obama spoke separately directly with Biden by phone after Thursday’s debate to offer his support as a sounding board and private adviser to his embattled former vice president, the people said, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss private conversations. It’s unclear how directly Obama addressed Biden’s performance and his path to reelection in the call.

“President Biden is grateful for President Obama’s unwavering support since the beginning of this campaign, both as a powerful messenger to voters and as a trusted advisor directly to the president,” Biden campaign spokeswoman Lauren Hitt said in a statement. A spokesperson for Obama declined to comment.

Obama has long harbored concerns about his party defeating Donald Trump in November, warning Biden repeatedly in recent months about how challenging it will be to win reelection. Just before the debate, Obama conveyed his concerns about the state of the race to allies.

While some Democrats are calling for Biden to drop out of the presidential race amid widespread panic, Obama has not expressed that conclusion. He sees his role as helpful to Biden based on their history of working together, the people said. On Friday, Obama appeared at a New York fundraiser for House Democrats, where he expressed continued support for Biden.

“Bad debate nights happen,” Obama wrote on social media after the debate. “Trust me, I know. But this election is still a choice between someone who has fought for ordinary people his entire life and someone who only cares about himself. Between someone who tells the truth; who knows right from wrong and will give it straight to the American people — and someone who lies through his teeth for his own benefit. Last night didn’t change that, and that’s why there’s so much at stake in November.”

But for months, Obama had shared with Biden and friends his deep concerns about Trump’s political strengths and the real possibility that he would be reelected in November. In December, during a private lunch at the White House, Obama discussed the need for Biden to beef up his campaign apparatus, suggesting that he install a more senior decision-maker in Wilmington headquarters. The following month, Jennifer O’Malley Dillon and Mike Donilon left the White House to serve as campaign chair and chief strategist, respectively.

Last June, Obama highlighted Trump’s political strengths during a private lunch with Biden, telling him that Trump benefited from a deep following, a conservative media ecosystem that favored Trump and a deeply polarized country. During the lunch, Obama also promised to help Biden with his campaign.

Obama, the Democratic Party’s biggest star, has appeared at two major fundraisers with Biden in recent months. Last month, Biden and Obama headlined a Los Angeles fundraiser featuring George Clooney and Julia Roberts that raised more than $30 million. In April, Biden, Obama and former President Bill Clinton appeared together at Radio City Music Hall in New York City, raising more than $26 million.

Dan Balz contributed to this report.

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