
NASA Space Line Current Awareness List #1098 May 3, 2024 (Space Life Sciences Survey Results)

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In case you missed it: The Spacelab Story: Science Aboard the Shuttle is a newly published book by science writer Ben Evans that is part of the Springer Praxis Books Space Exploration series. About this book: “Between 1983 and 1998, Spacelab provided NASA with a vital short-term laboratory in space. On more than a dozen missions, Spacelab’s pressurized research modules and science pallets have supported hundreds of experiments from life sciences to microgravity, Earth sciences to astrophysics, and materials processing to fluid dynamics. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in the science conducted aboard the space shuttle, the experimental precursors to the ISS, and the international politics surrounding NASA’s pioneering space efforts.” For more information and how to access this book, visit

  • Zhou M, Riva A, Gauthier ML, Kladde MP, Ferl RJ, Paul AL.Single-molecule long-read methylation profiling reveals regional DNA methylation regulated by subunit 2 of the Elongator complex in spaceflight Arabidopsis roots.Biol Direct. 2024 April 30;19(1):33.PI: AL PauloObservation: ISS results. This article can be downloaded online for free.

    Journal impact factor: 5.5

    Financing: “This work was supported by NASA grants NNX14AT24G and 80NSSC19K0130 to A-LP and RJF. Development of FENGC was supported by Defense Threat Reduction Agency grant HDTRA1-16-1-0048 awarded to MPK as a co-PI grant and NIH R01 CA155390 awarded to MPK.

  • Adamopoulos KI, Sanders LM, Costes SV.NASA GeneLab-derived microarray studies of Mus musculus It is Homo sapiens organisms in altered gravitational conditions.npj Microgravity. 2024 April 26;10:49. Analysis.Observation: GeneLab is available at This article can be downloaded online for free.

    Journal impact factor: 5.1

    Financing: KI Adamopoulos, LM Sanders, and SV Costes are affiliated with the NASA Ames Research Center.

  • Blackwell Landon L, Miller JCW, Bell ST, Rome PG.When people start to get real: Group life skills research for extreme work environments.Psychol Frontal. 2024 Apr 15;15:1348119.PI: L. Blackwell Landon, ST Bell, PG RomeObservation: This article is part of the Research Topic “Optimizing Psychosocial Work Environments and Experiences for People Working in Isolated, Confined, and/or Extreme Conditions” (and can be downloaded online for free.

    Journal impact factor: 3.8

    Financing: “The author(s) declare that they received financial support for the research, authorship and/or publication of this article. PGR led the 2015 NASA Behavioral Health and Performance Team Standardized Risk Measures Workshop as part of NASA grants NNX15AK76A (DF Dinges, PI) and NNX13AB39G (PGR, PI). Additional funding for data collection was provided by NASA-directed funding for the Behavioral Health and Performance Laboratory. LBL, JCWM and PGR were also supported by KBR Human Health and Performance Contract NNJ15HK11B through NASA.”

  • Callaway CW, Flickinger KL, Weissman A, Guyette FX, DeMaio R, Jonsson A, Wu V, Monteleone JL, Prescott P, Birabaharan J, Buysse DJ, Empey PE, Nolin TD, West III RE.Alpha-2-adrenergic agonists reduce resting energy expenditure in humans during external cooling.Temperature. 2024 April 21;1-19. Online before printing.Observation: This article can be downloaded online for free.

    Journal impact factor: 10.4

    Financing: “This work was supported by NASA grant NNX16AO69A to the Space Health Translational Research Institute at Baylor College of Medicine, by NIH grant S10OD028540 to ‘Small Molecule Biomarker Core: TSQ Altis LC-MS/MS’, and by NIH grant UL1TR001857 from the University of Pittsburgh Institute for Clinical and Translational Sciences for ‘Pitt+Me.’”

  • Clark TK, Galvan-Garza RC, Merfeld DM.Intraindividual consistency of vestibular perceptual thresholds.Atten Percept Psychophysics. 2024 April 24th.PI: Clark/NSBRIJournal impact factor: 1.7

    Financing: “This research was supported by the National Space Biomedical Research Institute (NSBRI) through NASA Grant NCC 9-58 (TK Clark), via National Institute of Deafness and Other Communication Disorders Grants R01DC04158 and R01DC014924 (DM Merfeld), and a NASA Space Technology Research Grant, Grant no. NNX13AM68H (RC Galvan-Garza).

  • Welhaven HD, Welfley AH, Brahmachary P, Bergstrom AR, Houske E, Glimm M, Bothner B, Hahn AK, June RK.Metabolic profiles and pathways in human osteoarthritic cartilage: a comparative analysis with healthy cartilage.Metabolites. 2024, March 25;14(4):183.Observation: This article is part of the “Cellular Metabolism” Section (and can be downloaded online for free.

    Journal impact factor: 4.1

    Financing: “This study was funded by the National Institutes of Health under award numbers R01AR073964 and R01AR081489 (RKJ), by the National Science Foundation under award number CMMI 1554708 (RKJ), by the MJ Murdock Charitable Trust under award numbers FSU-2017207 and NS -202016444 (AKH), ​​and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under Award Number 80NSSC20M0042 (AKH).

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