
Innovative technological design achieves a breakthrough in green hydrogen – see how it could revolutionize the energy sector

A new electrolyzer design is shaking up the green hydrogen industry with an unprecedented 95% efficiency. This represents a 20% improvement over current technology, according to Interesting Engineering.

The advancement comes from Hysata, an Australia-based company that recently raised $111 million in Series B funding to bring its technology to the global market. Its capillary-powered electrolyzer eliminates unnecessary bubbles, allowing the electrolyte to come into direct contact with the electrodes for near-perfect hydrogen splitting.

This leap in efficiency has huge implications. Green hydrogen, produced from renewable energy sources such as wind and solar, is poised to be a key player in the transition to clean energy. It can be stored and used on demand, making it an ideal complement to intermittent renewable energy.

The International Energy Agency urges hydrogen expansion to decarbonize long-distance transportation and heavy industry.

But until now, inefficiency has held back green hydrogen. Conventional electrolyzers waste around 25% of their energy consumed. On a large scale, this results in a lot of wasted renewable energy. Hysata’s design reduces this waste by 20%, from 52.5 kilowatt-hours per kilogram of hydrogen to just 41.5 kWh per kg.

Replacing dirty gases with clean hydrogen can reduce the pollution that overheats our planet. This means protecting our communities from worsening heatwaves, flooding and extreme weather. It also protects our food supply against climate-driven droughts and crop failures.

When asked about applying this project to future efforts, Hysata CCO Tom Campey told Hydrogen Insight, “There is no more science. The science has been done. Now it’s just engineering and expansion.”

He later continued: “Just two months ago we moved into our new facility in Port Kembla, south of Sydney, and that will be the location of our first manufacturing line. And then we will demonstrate commercial-scale manufacturing there, and then expand globally from there.”

When this happens, using abundant materials in modular designs on the kilowatt to gigawatt scale, the potential of green hydrogen could finally be unlocked. Imagine a future where planes, trucks and factories are powered only by water and sunlight. Hysata has just taken that dream one big step closer.

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