
I changed the Labor Party permanently, says Keir Starmer

  • By Chas Geiger
  • Political reporter

Video subtitle, Sir Keir Starmer: ‘The Conservatives have crushed people’s hope’

Sir Keir Starmer promised voters he will “fight for you” and put “country first, party second”.

In his first major speech since calling the general election, the Labor leader said he could be trusted because he had “changed this party permanently”.

And he urged people to trust him to provide economic stability and protect national security.

Rishi Sunak said the country needs “bold action, not hesitation”.

Despite the Labor Party’s dominant lead in opinion polls, Sir Keir acknowledged that many voters were still not fully persuaded about his party.

“I know that there are countless people who have not yet decided how they will vote in these elections. They are fed up with Tory failure, chaos and division, but they still have questions about us: has Labor changed enough?

“Do I trust them with my money, our borders, our security? My answer is yes, you can, because I changed this party permanently,” he said.

Sir Keir later told the BBC that he considered himself a “socialist”.

He has been accused by many on the left of his party of abandoning the socialist vision of his predecessor Jeremy Corbyn, but Sir Keir said: “I would describe myself as a socialist. I would describe myself as a progressive. I would describe myself as someone who always puts the country first and party second.”

Sir Keir also told the BBC that Labor’s plans did not mean taxes needed to rise, including the main rate of VAT.

He said: “Workers have been burdened with tax rises in recent years.

“We carried out all of our plans and none of them require us to raise taxes.”

This follows Sunday’s announcement from Labor Party shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves that there would be no income tax or Social Security increases under a Labor government.

And pressed on whether there was a lack of enthusiasm for Labour, Sir Keir pointed to the party’s performance in the recent local and by-elections, saying: “It’s quite obvious to me that people who voted for other parties are now looking towards the Labor Party. “

In a personal speech on Monday, Sir Keir spoke at length about his own experience, growing up in the small town of Oxted, Surrey, during the “hard times” of the 1970s.

“My father was a toolmaker, he worked in a factory. My mother was a nurse… She never complained, but her illness shaped our lives.

“I know what out-of-control inflation feels like, how rising costs of living can make you afraid that the postman will come along: ‘Will he bring another bill we can’t pay?’”

The elections were “more than individual changes and policies, but about values, temperament, character and a larger question: whose side are you on?” he added.

“Who do you keep in mind when you’re making decisions?

“Everything I fought for was shaped by my life, every change I made in this party was about a cause, the answer to that question, the only answer: the working people of this country fulfilling their aspirations, earning their respect, serving their interests.”

Sir Keir, who became leader in April 2020, became frustrated during the pandemic at never having had a proper opportunity to present himself to voters.

With the election campaign underway, he considers it necessary to tell voters something about the person who wants to be prime minister.

The Labor leader said his experiences “shaped the plan I have drawn up for Britain and the importance, above all, of economic stability”.

“But now we are at a dangerous new point, close to crossing a Rubicon of trust, not just in politics, but in many of the institutions designed to serve and protect the British people.”

Conservative Party chairman Richard Holden dismissed the Labor leader’s speech as “tiring and incoherent” with “no policy, no substance and no plan”.

“Once again, Keir Starmer has stood up to say absolutely nothing to the country… The question remains: will Starmer ever find the courage and conviction to tell us what he would do, or does he simply not know?

“The choice is clear: stick to the plan that is working and take bold steps towards a more secure future with Rishi Sunak or go back to square one with Labour.”

The Conservatives also claimed on Sunday that the Labor leader did not have the “stamina” to campaign, saying he was “resting at home”.

On Monday, Sir Keir called it “desperate”, saying: “I wasted nine years of my life in opposition. I worked four and a half years to change this Labor Party, and now I’ve had the chance to take that to the country.

“So we are doing this not just with energy, but with a smile, with positivity in all of our candidates as we move into this election.”

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