
How China’s ‘tough cat’ set fire to a house, causing Rs 11 lakh worth of damage | Trending news

Jingoudiao, a cat in China, caused 100,000 yuan (Rs 11 lakh) of damage after setting a house on fire on April 4.

Chinese cat set fire to houseChinese cat set fire to house

From their insatiable curiosity about everything to embracing their quirks, cats have a way of keeping their owners on their toes. Jingoudiao, a cat in China caused 100,000 yuan (Rs 11 lakh) damage after setting a house on fire on April 4. South China Morning Postthe feline accidentally turned on the induction cooker in owner Dandan’s kitchen and is now being labeled ‘Sichuan’s toughest cat’.

A property management team noticed flames coming from the apartment and informed the owner. Dadan, who was playing ‘mahjong’ outside, rushed back to her apartment only to find that everything she owned had been reduced to ashes.

Firefighters found Jingoudiao hiding in a closet upstairs. The cat was unharmed, but was covered in ash. Following the incident, Dadan changed the name of his cat’s account on Chinese video app Douyin to ‘Sichuan’s toughest cat’ and also shared a public apology signed by his fingerprint and Jingoudiao’s paw.

Dadan took responsibility for the incident and promised to be more attentive to fire safety. She also asked the firefighter in a video chat to teach Jingoudiao some fire safety tips. Surprised by the request, the firefighter joked that he had already tried to train a fire department dog, but it didn’t work.

In another bizarre feline incident, a family in Lehi, Utah, was left in disbelief when their pet cat Galena traveled to California trapped inside an Amazon return box. According to The New York TimesGalena, 6, a short-haired feline known for loving to play in boxes, found herself unwittingly sealed inside a 3-foot-by-3-foot Amazon package on April 10.

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First uploaded in: 02/05/2024 at 1:37 pm IST

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