
Gen Alpha kids are influencing family travel – Here’s how

In response to the growing influence of Generation Alpha (children born between 2010 and 2024), Beaches Resorts conducted research to understand how this generation shapes family travel decisions.

With Generation Alpha expected to become the largest demographic group in the world, the research aimed to discover their preferences and influence on vacation choices.

According to the questionnaire:

– Generation Alpha kids influence destinations: 85% of Generation Alpha kids have a say in where their families go on vacation.

– Generation Alpha children prefer multigenerational travel: 71% of Generation Alpha children express a desire to travel with their grandparents.

– Families with Generation Alpha children travel frequently: despite their young age, 64% of families with Generation Alpha children take two or more trips per year.

– Generation Alpha children like to play with their parents: 55% of Generation Alpha children prefer to participate in activities with their parents rather than with their peers.

– Family bonding is a priority: 70% of children aged 11 and over prefer to stay with their parents during the holidays.

– Learning is a priority: On vacation, 53% of Gen Alpha children are interested in learning new skills, such as swimming, languages, surfing, diving, art and skiing.

Additionally, the research highlights Gen Alpha’s preferred vacation styles, with the top style being beach vacations (36%), followed by theme parks (32%), historic sites (14%), urban cities (9%) and natural wonders (9%).

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Recognizing the importance of Generation Alpha in shaping the future of family travel, Beaches Resorts has introduced new initiatives to serve this demographic. Beaches Negril, for example, recently unveiled luxury beachfront villas designed specifically for families. These accommodations offer elegant spaces, private pools and direct beach access, enhancing the family vacation experience. Beaches Resorts also offers a wide variety of activities for children and families, such as Sesame Street Sunrise Yoga and Reading Road Trips in local communities, ensuring engaging options for all ages.

More details of the study are available online.

Editor’s Note: This article was generated by AI, based on a press release distributed by Beaches Resorts, and verified and reviewed by a TravelAge West editor.

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