
Feral cats blamed for 19% decline in southern New Zealand dotterels

One of New Zealand’s rarest birds saw its population decline by 19 percent last year – and feral cats are to blame.

An annual flock count of New Zealand’s critically endangered southern dotterel/tūturiwhatu has found about 101 birds remain, down from 126 last year, the Department of Conservation (DOC) said.

“We believe at least 41 adult birds died during the 2023 breeding season. This was partially offset by surviving chicks from this year, meaning an estimated population reduction of 25 birds,” said DOC ranger Daniel Cocker.

Cocker said the figures highlight the precarious position the population finds itself in, despite ongoing predator control efforts.

“Southern dotterels, which only breed on Stewart Island/Rakiura, have spent the last few decades on the brink of extinction and unfortunately this year appears to be a similar story,” he said.

“Without our control efforts, it’s scary to think how low the numbers would be.”

Although dotterels face a number of threats, the number one cause of their decline is feral cats.

“Adult Dotterels will actively defend nests and chicks, making them easy targets for predators. Dotterels are also curious and easily approached,” Cocker said.

Predator control strategies will be reviewed

After this year’s herd count, the DOC team will review its predator control strategies as part of an adaptive management program.

The DOC said feral cats often range great distances and can be wary of traditional methods – such as trapping, hunting and bait stations – to control their numbers.

During the recent breeding season, 32 feral cats were killed by DOC staff at breeding sites on Stewart Island.

Predator control is currently only carried out in a “patchy” portion of dotterel breeding habitat on Rakiura.

Despite the dotterels’ low numbers, DOC staff are hopeful the population will recover.

Cocker said the population reached an all-time low of 62 birds in 1992, before falling back to 290 in 2009.

“Given the right conditions, dotterels can be very hardy and produce several chicks per year,” he said.

“The southern dotterels have once been scattered throughout the South Island and Rakiura is their last refuge. It’s a difficult battle, but it’s worth pursuing.”

The New Zealand Nature Fund, which supports DOC’s campaign to save the southern dotterel, has raised more than $82,000 from private donors in the past six months.

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