
Exploring the Latest in Robotic Technology: A Review of Recent Innovations

The robotics industry is evolving at a rapid pace. Innovative advancements emerging across multiple industries, from industrial automation to healthcare robotics. In this article, we bring you a recap of the latest trends and innovations in robotics that we cover.

1/ Humanoid robots in the factory

Humanoid robots are advancing towards integration in industry and healthcare. Recent developments from companies like Amazon and BMW involve testing humanoid robots in workplace environments. These robots aim to perform repetitive or unsafe tasks, increase efficiency and work alongside humans. Challenges include achieving levels of security and reliability.

We have selected 5 humanoid robots that are currently advancing.


2/ New mobile robots on the market

Autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) are revolutionizing several industries by offering flexible and intelligent solutions. Unlike automated guided vehicles (AGVs), which follow specific guided paths, AMRs use data from cameras, laser scanners and other sensors to freely navigate work environments while avoiding obstacles. They can operate alongside human workers, increasing efficiency.

The AMR market is expanding, with significant growth forecast. New offers are coming to the market.


3/ A new cobot manufacturer

The French company MS-Innov is entering the industrial sector with its modular cobots. What differentiates MS-Innov cobots are two main characteristics:

  1. Modularity: MS-Innov cobots come in 4-axis, 5-axis and 6-axis configurations, available in two sizes (M and S) and three module types (M1, M2 and M3). This scalability and customization allows them to meet diverse requirements and payload range. Cobots can be assembled manually within minutes using an intuitive system of nuts and bolts. The focus is on flexibility, ensuring that, once purchased, the cobot can be reconfigured for different application scenarios, avoiding idle equipment in companies.
  2. Infinite Rotation: Unlike traditional systems, MS-Innov cobots can rotate infinitely. They use pins to transmit information and energy, speeding up production processes by eliminating the need for repositioning.


4/ Industrial exoskeletons are helping in the workplace

Industrial exoskeletons are moving off the silver screen and into the workplace. Unlike their cinematic counterparts, real-world exoskeletons prioritize worker safety over sheer strength.

Around 93,000 exoskeletons were used in workplaces around the world in 2022, with that number expected to increase sevenfold by 2030. These wearable devices assist workers with specific tasks, with the aim of reducing injuries and fatigue.


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