
Enhanced security measures for Chinese citizens in Pakistan to now travel in armored vehicles

Chinese citizens in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) region are now subject to movement restrictions. The KP government has decreed… Read more
NEW DELHI: Movement restrictions have now been imposed on Chinese nationals in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) region, according to a Dawn report. The KP government has mandated that Chinese citizens travel accompanied by armored vehicles while in the area.

This directive was announced by a senior police official during a meeting held on Wednesday. Tahir Ayub Khan, deputy inspector general of police in the Hazara region, said: “As we are taking all possible measures for the safety of Chinese citizens, they should not travel in the province without armored vehicles as per government instructions.” .

The meeting, called to address security issues at the Suki Kinari hydropower project in the Malkandi area of ​​the Kaghan Valley, brought together various stakeholders, including security personnel, Chinese engineers and project managers. Discussions focused on implementing stringent security measures to safeguard the lives of individuals involved in critical infrastructure projects, as reported by Dawn.

During on-site inspections of the Suki Kinari and Balakot hydropower projects, DIG Tahir Ayub Khan reiterated the government’s commitment to maintaining high safety standards. He highlighted plans to fortify residential colonies housing Chinese engineers and workers with walls at least 2.5 meters high, potentially reinforced with barbed wire for additional protection.


These enhanced security measures follow a recent incident in which a convoy of Chinese engineers working on the Dasu hydropower project in Shangla district was targeted in a suicide attack, resulting in casualties. The attack raised significant security concerns, prompting authorities to take measures to mitigate risks and ensure the safety of foreign citizens in Pakistan.

(With input from the agency)
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