
Eight cats found abandoned in unsuitable and filthy conditions in South Wales – RSPCA

Eight abandoned cats were taken into the care of the RSPCA – after rescuers found them in a property full of rubbish, numerous pieces of faeces, spoiled food and urine stains.

The cats were found alone at a Hirwaun property and seized by police on Monday, August 7 last year. The cats were then placed into the care of the RSPCA.

The cat breeds found were long-haired Main Coons and ragdoll cats and their condition was poor, with matted fur and urine-soaked bodies.

Jolene Harris, Merthyr Tydfil, was sentenced at Merthyr Tydfil Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday 8 May. This followed a previous hearing in April when she pleaded guilty to four offenses under the Animal Welfare Act.

She was convicted of failing to meet the needs of eight cats in a suitable environment, failing to meet their welfare needs to be protected from pain, suffering, injury or illness and failing to provide adequate or reasonable daily care and supervision regarding their protection against damage.

She also failed to check for signs of health problems leading to untreated dental and ear disease in one cat and also failed to ensure that the coats of two other cats were maintained in proper condition.

The court was also given information about previous dealings with the RSPCA, which included advice and guidance on suitable living environments.

At sentencing, she received a five-year disqualification ban on all animals. She was also ordered to pay a £200 fine, £400 costs and an £80 victim surcharge.

An order was also made for three cats to be transferred to the RSPCA, and there was also an order relinquishing ownership of an elderly cat who remained in their care.

In mitigation it was heard that she had no previous convictions, had personal difficulties and felt genuine remorse.

The court heard witness testimony given by RSPCA Deputy Chief Inspector (DCI), Emma Smith, that she attended Greenwood Drive in Hirwaun on August 7 last year alongside police who gained access.

She said: “The smell inside the bungalow was incredibly strong from the minute you entered. The place was extremely poorly maintained, with household items scattered everywhere, bags of rubbish piled up and dirt and mess on the floor.”

As she entered the room she saw two cats – a cream rag doll and another that had run away. She saw a bowl of cat food in the room that was empty, but there was water. Two litter trays contained several pieces of feces and there was diarrhea on the floor.

DCI Smith said he then walked across the room to a small hallway which led to a bathroom and a bedroom.

“The unbearable smell of urine and ammonia continued throughout the bungalow along with the dirt and trash.”

She found a third cat in the room that “seemed nervous” and ran away. This cat had access to a bathroom that contained a bowl of water and a bowl of dry cat food. There were also two litter trays that contained several pieces of feces.

DCI Smith said he then came to a closed door which said ‘Please do not open loose cats here’. She only managed to open the door a third of the way.

She said: “I managed to squeeze through the crack and look behind the door and I could see that the resistance was coming from piles and piles of moldy faeces that had built up behind the door, stopping it from opening.

“The sight and smell in this room were the worst I have seen in 14 years as an RSPCA inspector and I had to take breaks in the room to stop my eyes watering and my nose running.

“The room was covered in new and old feces. Urine stains were all over the floor, along with trash and old, spoiled food. There were piles of cat fur that was caked in feces and matted and there was no clear part of the floor that was not stained or covered in feces.”

She found bowls of water, but the contents were yellow where the cats had obviously urinated. There were several cat carriers in the room, but again they were all completely covered in feces. There was no clean space or adequate bedding.

There was a small bowl of water near the door, but DCI Smith was told it had been placed there by someone else on Saturday when they discovered the cats in this condition, with no access to food or water.

Five cats were confined in this room, all of which DCI Smith described as “subdued”.

She added: “Their coats were stained and smelly and several of these cats were heavily matted. There was no ventilation in this room and no way to escape the conditions.”

All eight cats from inside the bungalow were seized by police and transferred to the RSPCA Merthyr Tydfil Veterinary Clinic.

Five of the cats were provided by the owner – four of which were rehomed. Now following the court process – the rest will be made available for relocation.

One of them – Skylar is in the care of one of the foster carers at the RSPCA Newport Adoptober Center – who is now hoping to rehome her.

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