
China and ROK shine a light on science and technological innovation – Opinion


In a rapidly evolving global technological landscape, China continues to make significant progress in science and technology despite facing economic challenges. With substantial investments in research and development, China aims to become a global leader by 2050, especially in high-tech industries such as robotics, aerospace and artificial intelligence (AI). This strategic thrust aims to reinforce the country’s sustainable economic development, better safeguard national security and increase competitiveness in the global market.

In this context, the Republic of Korea and China must strategically strive to leverage their strengths and navigate the complexities of global technological competition. But this cooperation requires careful navigation and requires a balanced and nuanced strategy in forming technology partnerships, given the growing high-tech rivalry between the United States and China.

The Republic of Korea and China should proactively pursue joint R&D projects, focusing on cutting-edge technologies such as quantum computing, autonomous driving and hydrogen energy. Collaborative R&D can lead to shared innovations and faster advancements, and facilitating talent exchange programs can bridge knowledge gaps, promote mutual understanding, and improve specialized skills.

Early initiation of these programs would be beneficial for both parties by inculcating a culture of innovation among the youth. The Republic of Korea can benefit from China’s vast technological talent pool while providing its own skilled professionals with opportunities to learn and pursue innovation.

The two countries should work towards creating integrated digital ecosystems that support startups and high-tech companies. Furthermore, by sharing best practices and fostering an environment conducive to innovation, both parties can strengthen their respective positions in the global high-tech arena.

Joint efforts to understand and navigate each other’s regulatory landscapes can minimize investment risks for both parties and strengthen bilateral cooperation. The two sides, for example, could align their standards and protocols in emerging technology domains to facilitate smoother cross-border operations. ROK’s experience and strength in semiconductor manufacturing and digital infrastructure can complement China’s advances in AI and big data. And initial collaboration in these areas, with gradual extension to other areas, can provide significant high-tech advances and increase your market advantages.

However, sustainability must be at the heart of this high-tech cooperation. Joint initiatives in areas such as renewable energy and sustainable urban development can help both sides address global environmental challenges while boosting economic growth. The two sides could also promote a culture of innovation through joint academic programs, workshops and conferences in order to stimulate creative solutions and promote a spirit of entrepreneurship among young professionals in both countries.

Furthermore, China’s ambitious high-tech agenda has created challenges and opportunities for the Republic of Korea. By promoting a cooperative relationship based on mutual benefit and strategic alignment, Seoul can improve its technological capabilities and ensure sustained growth in an increasingly competitive global scenario.

It is certain that the future of cooperation between the Republic of Korea and China in the science and technology sector lies in leveraging their shared strengths, collaboratively overcoming challenges and a commitment to continuously promoting innovation. Therefore, both parties should strive to complement and support each other in the global value chains of emerging industries, while maintaining a forward-looking perspective.

The current geopolitical environment requires the Republic of Korea and China to balance their partnerships with other major economies while strengthening bilateral cooperation. This delicate balance will be crucial to maintaining growth in the high-tech sector and navigating the complexities of international relations.

By embracing these strategies, the ROK and China can cement their roles as key players in the global high-tech ecosystem, ensuring they remain at the forefront of innovation despite technological rivalry between the US and China. This is a critical juncture that demands intelligent and strategic action, and both the ROK and China are capable of taking that action together.

The author is chief representative of the Korea-China Science and Technology Cooperation Center.

Opinions do not necessarily reflect those of China Daily.

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