
Cats don’t manipulate us like the current White House administration

Many years ago, I thought the idea of ​​having a cat as a pet, specifically indoors, was extravagant and a waste of time. In fact, I believed that it was unhygienic to have these animals among family members at home. That was my perception regarding cats. Furthermore, the myth of being unfaithful to humans, that compared to dogs, cats carried a bad reputation in some regions.

Over the years, I have become more aware of the relationship between cats and humans. As I observed the interactions of people in America with these animals, I had to review my perception. Being compassionate towards animals not only reveals the true peaceful character of humans, but it is also a connection between two beings who have an impact on each other’s lives.

Watching a neighbor walking and pushing her child in the stroller, their child walking alongside them with their dog on a leash, and their cat voluntarily following them all the time without turning around or getting distracted. It’s that cat’s connection and loyalty to this family and the result of being treated well.

In fact, we are all linked like a chain, and maybe we don’t like it, but in some ways we have similarities.

Apparently, the surface folding and structure of the cat brain is 90% similar to the human brain (Bond Vet). Cats are one of the species that silently connect with humans. However, sociable behavior and the need for companionship led humans to look for a pet to overcome the depression and loneliness often found in society.

Cats have become perfect pets for humans, as they can cognitively relate to humans in a very important way – which is problem solving. According to Berit Brogaard, professor of philosophy and director of the Brogaard Laboratory for Multisensory Research at the University of Miami, dogs have a higher IQ than cats, but cats are capable of solving more difficult cognitive problems.

“If they want.” She said. (Editor’s note: No surprise there…)

The benefits of cats and their relationships with humans were also noticed in ancient Egypt. According to Julia Troche, an Egyptologist at Missouri State University, paintings on the walls of the tombs indicate that cats were kept for companionship and pest control, such as the fact that they were able to quickly chase and capture rodents, scorpions and snakes. However, the ancient Egyptians also held their cats in high regard because the pharaohs had giant cats.

Additionally, a study found that, although it is difficult to understand the reasons, cats can and do feel their owners’ emotions and sadness. Jennifer Vonk and Moriah Galvan, researchers at Oakland University, believe that cats are more receptive to human emotions than we previously realized.

One last consideration is that cats don’t try to manipulate us with political rhetoric like the current administration in the White House.


– Serwan Zangana supported Operation Iraqi Freedom as a translator for the US Army before coming to the US from Kurdistan, Iraq in 1997 to seek political asylum. He was granted asylum status and, years later, he proudly became an American citizen. He currently serves as a correctional officer in Roanoke.

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