
CARES Social Good Unlocks $1 Billion ROI for Women’s Sports Brand

The women’s sports market is expected to explode, exceeding $1 billion by 2024. For brands, this isn’t just a financial opportunity – it’s an opportunity to drive social change. Our previous editions of the KickGlass Marketing Playbook revealed the growth potential and persistent challenges in women’s sport. Now, we present an innovative approach: in this area, being a force for good and driving brand growth are the same thing.

Enter KickGlass CARES – a framework that turns social welfare initiatives into tangible business success. This article will show you why mitigating the effects of inequality in sport and creating a more supportive environment for women isn’t just the right thing to do – it’s the smart move for the future of your brand.

Understanding social well-being in sports

To understand the transformative potential of women’s sport, we must first understand the concept of social well-being. In the context of sport, social well-being encompasses the holistic health, satisfaction and positive social functioning of all stakeholders in the sport ecosystem. It goes beyond physical fitness to encompass mental health, economic stability and overall quality of life.

Why is social well-being crucial for women’s sport? While it does not directly address the root causes of inequality, it provides a strategy for empowerment and improvement of the existing system. KickGlass CARES focuses on mitigating the effects of challenges that have historically impeded the growth and recognition of women’s athletics. These challenges – from pay gaps to limited media coverage – are symptoms of deeper social inequalities that the model aims to alleviate over time.

Women’s sport serves as a microcosm of the challenges women face in society at large. Barriers on the field mirror those in boardrooms, classrooms, and homes around the world. By focusing on social well-being in sport, we create a visible platform to address these broader issues, leveraging the universal language of athletics to drive broader social change.

Recent data highlights the urgency of this approach. A 2023 study by Women in Sport found that 80% of women in the UK feel that sport plays an important role in challenging gender stereotypes, but only 30% feel that sport is currently doing enough to promote gender equality. gender equality. This gap represents both a challenge and an opportunity for brands willing to drive change.

KickGlass CARES: A Framework for Change and Growth

KickGlass CARES for social well-being is at the heart of this approach – a multi-pronged strategy that aligns brand success with athlete and stakeholder empowerment. The five dimensions of CARES—Community, Agency, Recognition, Empowerment, and Safety—are based on extensive research into what constitutes social well-being and what individuals need to thrive in personal and community contexts. Each dimension targets a fundamental aspect of the challenges faced by women in sport, collectively providing a framework for improving social well-being and creating a more supportive environment, which could indirectly contribute to challenging root causes over time.

Community: Building inclusive communities that connect fans, athletes and stakeholders is crucial. Take Angel City FC, the NWSL expansion team that set new standards for community engagement in professional sports. By involving fans in decision-making and community initiatives, they not only sold out games, but also created a movement. Angel City’s partner brands have seen unprecedented engagement rates, with some reporting a 20% increase in local market share.

Agency: Empowering female athletes with a voice in partnerships and initiatives leads to authentic campaigns and addresses power imbalances. Athleta’s partnership with Simone Biles is exemplary. By giving Biles creative control over her product line and supporting her mental health advocacy, Athleta saw a 25% increase in new customers and significant growth in her women’s clothing line.

Recognition: Ensuring appropriate recognition of female athletes’ achievements elevates women’s sport into the public consciousness. UEFA Women’s Euro 2022 demonstrated the power of recognition. With greater media coverage and marketing support, the tournament broke attendance and television audience records across Europe. Brands that invested heavily in the event reported significant increases in positive brand sentiment.

Fortification: Supporting programs that elevate female athletes and inspire the next generation creates a pipeline of talent and fans. The Nike Women in Sports Incubator has not only nurtured new talent, but also generated significant brand loyalty among young athletes. A recent study showed that girls involved in Nike programs are 80% more likely to stay in sports and show strong affinity with the brand into adulthood.

Security: Addressing the unique challenges faced by female athletes creates a safer, more supportive environment. The WNBA’s innovative collective bargaining agreement, which improves player salaries and benefits, has led to greater stability and growth for the league. Brands that support this initiative have seen a 30% increase in engagement from female sports fans.

Why CARES is the best approach for brands

KickGlass CARES offers a holistic framework that aligns social impact with brand objectives. By simultaneously addressing multiple facets of well-being, brands can create authentic connections with athletes and fans, positioning themselves as active problem solvers and driving innovation beyond sport.

Additionally, CARES resonates with the growing demand for purpose-driven brands. A 2023 Edelman Trust Barometer report found that 63% of consumers choose brands based on their beliefs and values. By implementing CARES, brands can differentiate themselves in a crowded market.

The Growth Imperative: ROI on Investing in Good

Brands that invest in women’s sports through CARES are poised for significant growth. They gain first-mover advantage in a rapidly expanding market, benefiting from the halo effect of supporting a cause that aligns with consumers’ values. This approach generates compelling narratives that drive organic reach and media coverage.

The numbers speak for themselves. Brands that invest heavily in women’s sports saw an average 24% increase in consumer engagement and a 16% increase in brand loyalty, according to a 2023 Nielsen Sports report. These initiatives resonate with a broader audience beyond sports enthusiasts, connecting with consumers across demographics.

Additionally, purpose-driven initiatives in women’s sport can boost employee morale and attract top talent, increasing employee engagement and facilitating the recruitment of qualified professionals who want to work for socially responsible organizations.

Broader impact: from sport to society

Improving social well-being in women’s sport has ripple effects that extend far beyond the field of play. Sport provides a visible platform to address gender inequalities, serving as a catalyst for broader social change. As female athletes gain recognition, agency and security in their sporting careers, they become powerful role models, inspiring women in all sectors of society.

A recent study by the Women’s Sports Foundation found that 94% of women in C-suite roles played sports, with 52% playing sports at the college level. By investing in women’s sport through CARES, brands contribute to the broader movement for gender equality, nurturing future leaders across sectors.

Visibility of these efforts in sport can spark conversations and drive progress in other areas, from workplace equality to leadership representation. As brands champion social well-being in women’s sport, they’re not just changing the game – they’re changing society.

Conclusion: KickGlass CARES – A Strategic Imperative

KickGlass CARES (Community, Agency, Recognition, Empowerment, Safety) offers a transformative approach to women’s sports marketing, driving social change and business growth. By mitigating the effects of inequality and creating authentic connections, brands implementing aspects of CARES have seen greater consumer engagement, brand loyalty and market share. As the women’s sports market approaches a billion dollars, this model is not just an option – it is a strategic imperative for forward-thinking CMOs.

Success in future sports marketing is intrinsically linked to social progress. The CARES framework empowers brands to lead the women’s sports revolution while driving meaningful change, contributing to broader social progress and nurturing future leaders across sectors.

In our final KickGlass Marketing Playbook article, we will explore practical implementation strategies, provide practical steps and success metrics, and address potential challenges in adopting CARES for social well-being. The question isn’t whether your brand can invest in women’s sports – it’s whether you can afford not to.

Are you ready to KickGlass and lead this transformative movement that resonates across industries? The time to act is now, reshaping not just sport, but society in general.

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